Third Shot Drop

Third Shot Drop Blog

December 10 2018
Pat Carroll
Backhands Vs. Forehands
There is, in my opinion, a huge fallacy regarding the subject of forehands. It is, that a shot in question should always be taken by the partner with the forehand. Yielding to the forehand on shots just because it’s a forehand frequently creates poor court coverage and results in lost points. Also, MOST errors are made with forehands rather than backhands.
December 03 2018
Ashley Roberts
Human Movement System
Hi, this is Ashley Roberts with Third Shot Drop Custom Paddles. I am a certified personal trainer with 17 years of experience. I am excited to share monthly blogposts with you about training. Training is extremely important and should form an integral part of an athlete’s daily routine.First we need to get down to the foundation of your body.
March 23 2018
Third Shot Drop
Building the Right Pickleball Paddle

Finding the right paddle for you isn’t about what Bob or Sally plays with or which colors look best. It’s about building the right tool for the job. Players that understand their game and are educated in the playing characteristics of the materials that make their paddle and cause it to play a certain way, are better equipped to perform to the best of their abilities. Knowing about cores, surfaces, weights and handles/grips will enable you to build the paddle that will elevate your game. When you have confidence in your equipment, that translates into performance on the court!

March 08 2018
Third Shot Drop
How to Find Your Pickleball Paddle Grip Size
Before you choose a pickleball paddle grip size, you should take into consideration some factors such as handle shape, type of grip, and whether or not you will be using an overgrip. Typically, an overgrip will add either half or one whole size (1/16 to 1/8 inch) to the racquet. That’s obviously something you’ll want to keep in mind when looking for a racquet, and if you do choose to use an overgrip, you’ll want to find a paddle that is half to one size lower depending on what kind of overgrip you’ll be using.