Third Shot Drop

Attacking Off the Bounce

July 31 2023

Height is the most important factor in determining if a ball is attackable. That means both the height out of the air and off of the bounce.

Just because a ball lands in the kitchen doesn't mean it's unattackable. Just ask Morgan Evans — he outlines how to attack off the bounce in a new video.

The keys:

  • Anticipation. Ask yourself if the last shot you hit was challenging for your opponent. If so, get yourself up to the line, knees bent and ready to reach forward.
  • Footwork. Use proper footwork to create ample space between you and the ball. That could include a shuffle step to the side, a cross step into the kitchen, or a pivot step back off the line.
  • Balance. A sudden step for the ball can leave you off balance. An attack from that position will likely end in error. Regain proper balance before pulling the trigger.
  • Apex. Wait until the ball reaches its apex. Remember, height is everything.

As with any attack, always assume it will be returned. Paddles up, folks, paddles up.

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