Third Shot Drop

Freeze Them at the Baseline

October 02 2023

When you hit a third shot drop, do you know it’s good as soon as it leaves your paddle?

If you’re like most of us, you probably need a little feedback from your opponent to know it’s safe to come forward.

You want to see if they’re going to unload on the ball or if it will safely land in the kitchen. The ability to read their body language gives you a head start on moving forward.

When you’re on the receiving end, you should do your best to hide your intentions.

This simple trick can keep them back at the baseline for another shot and give you a leg up:

  • When a third comes your way, get in position to take it out of the air, even if you plan to let it bounce
  • Bend your knees and extend your paddle in front
  • Open the paddle face and track the ball as it approaches
  • Do everything the same as you would if you were going to volley the ball

If you do choose to let the ball bounce, you will have plenty of time adjust.

If you execute it correctly, your opponent will be frozen at the baseline for an extra second. They will have to attempt another drop from deep in the court and the positional advantage will remain in your favor.

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