Third Shot Drop

How to compete against younger faster opponents

August 11 2024

The game of pickleball gets younger every day. After you encounter some teenagers on the court you’ll notice one thing … they get to everything.

Youthful energy can be a superpower.

Here are some tips to put these kids in their pickleball place.

Don’t Aim For the Lines

Even if you land a perfect shot on the line, chances are they’re going to be able to run it down. So don’t even take the risk. Keep the ball in play and wait for them to make a mistake.

Resist the Speedup

Chances are their reaction time is faster than yours. Be patient and let them be the one to pull the trigger. You may collect some easy points on counters or balls going out.

Lean into the Soft Game

Just like cooking chicken, low and slow is the way to go. Put them in awkward situations by aiming the ball at their feet. On their approach, Steve says, “Hit the ball where their feet are going to be.”

When You Have Them Back, Keep Them Back

Those young legs will be able to chase down a short drop shot. Save that move for your return to the 50+ division.

The origin of some of the game’s top players started with a humbling loss to a senior. Keep the tradition alive with these tips.

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