Third Shot Drop

Kiss Your Serve Struggles Goodbye

November 18 2024

Your serve is one of the most underrated and overlooked aspects in pickleball. A strong serve can lead to easy thirds and make the rest of your skillset irrelevant.

A new video from Austin at the Pickleball Playbook offers a ton of tips to improve your serve. Let’s look at a few tips varying in level of difficulty.

Level One Pre-Serve

  • Where are your feet and hips pointing when you serve? For a closed stance serve your lead foot should not be horizontal in line with the baseline. It should be at a 45-degree angle so you can maintain balance while stepping forward.
  • Your lead hip (left hip for right-handed players) should be pointed at your target. If you’re still having trouble controlling your serve, check your foundation before moving forward.

Level Two Practice Rounds

  • Many players lose out on power because they’re afraid to hit the ball too deep. Don’t be. While practicing your serve, start by hitting reps deep, past the baseline. You want to build up the strength and muscle memory to hit serves near the baseline without maxing out.

Level Three Fine-Tuning Form

  • Austin preaches that your swing path should be outward and upward. You want to create space between you and the ball to maximize power.
  • And finally, you need to create lag with your paddle during your swing. Lead with your butt cap while you swing and accelerate the paddle face through the ball at contact. He offers a drill to help learn the feeling of creating lag in the video.

The serve looks simple from the surface, but there are plenty adjustments that can be made to increase your power. Don’t settle for a slow serve.

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