Third Shot Drop

Third Shot Drop Blog

June 03 2019
Ashley Roberts
Roll it Out!!

Dozens of studies have linked foam rolling with improved range of motion, flexibility, and mobility as well as reduced soreness. Done before a workout, it can act like a dynamic warmup — increasing circulation, loosening tight spots, and priming your body to move. After a workout, it can act like a sports massage — reducing muscular tension and flushing out toxins to help recovery.

May 15 2019
Third Shot Drop
Weight - what you don’t know can hurt your game but not as much as what you think you know

Weight seems to be a hot point with a lot of players - with many misconceptions. I can’t tell you how many times the first thing that comes out a player’s mouth is “What’s your lightest paddle?” Many pickleball players believe a light paddle is optimal - for their elbow, for their shoulder and for their reaction and performance. This is patently untrue for many reasons grounded in science, physics, logic and experience.

April 29 2019
Ashley Roberts
Joint Health with Pickleball

Pickleball can be a great way to get your heart rate up and your body moving. It combines running, jumping, extension and coordination, but unfortunately subjecting our joints to daily wear and tear can lead to injures. It’s imperative that pickleball players pay close attention to the care and protection of their joints.

April 01 2019
Ryan Trefry
Do you practice (rec) like you play (tourney)?

I think most pickleball players do NOT play recreational games the same way they play in tournaments. Yes, you are out there playing rec. games with your friends on a social level. The only problem is you might be learning bad habits when you are only giving 50-75% during practice.

March 25 2019
Ashley Roberts
Drill Baby, Drill!!

Want to become a better pickleball player? You have to be willing to expose your weaknesses rather than trying to hide them. To strengthen those weakness you need to repetitively practice them until they become strengths. Here are some of our favorite drills you can do on a weekly basis. We are sure that your game will improve by putting in the work. 

March 18 2019
Ryan Trefry
Is practicing (drilling) part of your tournament preparation?

I think most pickleball players will answer the question with a “No”. In my experience playing pickleball socially and competitively, I have seen that most players “play” more than they “practice”. Is it a pickleball thing? Maybe….. Probably…..

March 11 2019
Pat Carroll


Many competitive players enter the court for their match with little or no thought to conditions of the weather, courts, and type of ball. IF CONDITIONS ARE NOT IDEAL, LOSERS COMPLAIN AND WINNERS ADJUST!

March 04 2019
Ashley Roberts
Reaction Time Drills

This is Ashley Roberts and I’m here to help you get Pickeball Fit. You are on the courts, you are competing (recreationally or in a tournament); you are competing and therefore, you are an athlete. So you better act like one! You better train like one!

Today we are going to talk about Reaction Time.

February 18 2019
Third Shot Drop
Why you should care about what your paddle is made of

Part 2 - Surfaces

Many players (including pros) don’t understand what’s in a paddle so they don’t really know that a core or surface really is and WHY it makes a difference to THEM.

It’s not about the type of core or type of surface- it’s about the notion that there are different materials that affect the way their paddle performs and we are the ONLY company that offers this to every player.

February 11 2019
Ryan Trefry
How important is the mental game when it comes to playing in tournaments?

I think most pickleball players may not know the answer to that question. For me the answer is very simple. I come from a competitive tennis background and in tennis the mental game is very important and usually the difference between winning and losing.

February 04 2019
Pat Carroll

Raising your skill level requires overcoming the false belief that powering the ball on every shot will win games.  The goal for increasing your skill is to first become patient and disciplined in playing a soft game, always anticipating the correct time to “power the shot for the win.” Achieve the “Pickleball PHD (patiently happy dinker/dropper).”  Sound boring?  Maybe at first; but when you discover how effective it is,and how many more winning points it produces, it will become “stunningly boring.”

January 28 2019
Ashley Roberts
Using Footwork to get PickleBall Fit

Training is extremely important and should form an integral part of an athlete’s daily routine. Creating good habits and developing muscle memory is so important in having consistency in your game.

Now that we have learned what the core is and how to use it to maximize our body mechanics, let’s now look at our footwork.

January 21 2019
Third Shot Drop
Why what your paddle is made of matters

Part 1 - Cores

Many players (including pros) don’t understand what’s in a paddle so they don’t really know that a core or surface really is and WHY it makes a difference to THEM. It’s not about the type of core or type of surface- it’s about the notion that there are different materials that affect the way their paddle performs and we are the ONLY company that offers this to every player.

January 14 2019
Ryan Trefry
TSD Tournament Play Blog

How important is warming up during a tournament?

I think most pickleball players rarely spend enough time warming up during recreation play, but do they spend enough time warming up during a tournament. The average warm up during recreation play is roughly 37 seconds. During most tournaments you have 8 minutes to start your match once your name is called. Does this give you ample time to warm up? The answer is most likely not.

January 07 2019
Pat Carroll

Perhaps the MOST NEGLECTED part of improving your game is the most important part-- FOOTWORK!  No matter how great your dinks, volleys, and groundstrokes, lazy/sluggish/slow/sloppy footwork will frequently result in loss of the point, and ultimately keep you “stuck” at your current skill level.

Making less errors and hitting with power is predicated on your body being in a balanced stance and positioned to hit the ball in your power/comfort zone, which is one foot in front and no farther than one foot to either side.

December 31 2018
Ashley Roberts
Let’s talk about your CORE

Ashley Roberts here with Third Shot Drop Custom Paddles. I am a certified personal trainer with 17 years of experience.

Training is extremely important and should form an integral part of an athlete’s daily routine. Last month we talked about the foundation of your body. It is so critical to do corrective exercises and stretches to ensure the length/tension relationships between our muscles is balanced so that our Kinetic Chain is optimized to perform it’s best.